I may be giving away my age, but I can remember a programme on TV about dog training presented by an scary old bat called Barbara Woodhouse. She was one mean mama...not only the dogs in the house sat up when she commanded "walkies"...I had to restrain myself from looking for a leash and wagging my tail at the back door.
Anyway, one thing she never could do was train a pooch to pick up his own shit. My damn Boerbull dumps landmines in the most inconvenient places. He loves exploding precisely where my right foot is placed when I get out of the car. He must have some kind of internal radar! I step in dogshit every second day! Goddamn mutt!
I want the number of the guy who taught this hound in the picture to clean up after himself. He will be paid millions, I swear!
I had a labby trained only to shite in the flower beds, not on the lawn. All we had to do is "forget" to mow the lawn a couple of weeks and he decided that the tickling didn't really do it for him - so off to the flower beds where he stayed.
A boerbull is kind of tall - good luck! ;-)
You know i referred that batty old bag the other day ... to my kids i think, and all i got from the adults were blank stares. :D
Here is a little reminder ... siTTT!!!!!
Woof ;-)
ROFL. If dogs picked up their own sh!t, maybe I'd consider getting a puppy.
As long as that means you can also teach it to NOT eat my shoes, NOT swing on my curtains, and NOT bark in the middle of the night.
Which is why I stick to softtoys :P
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