Wednesday, 09 May 2007

Clan of the Cave Man

There was an old song by Jonah Louis, ‘you always find me in the kitchen at parties’. I always wind up, tongs in hand, next to the fire when having a braai. The Flea says I am just being full of shit. She says all men think they are the original caveman. Uggh! Oook! Drag those knuckles on the ground! As a caveman, we are blessed with instincts...we can cook meat. On a fire. With a stick.

The Flea can be a sarcastic bitch when she wants to be. Don’t you, sweetie?

Anyhow, being full of shit,as well as being a typical South African male, I know that everybody else fucks up the meat on the braai. I, on the other hand, am Grog, caveman chef! T-bones, chicken, ribs, boerewors, chops, if its braaied by me, you will eat it and enjoy it! I like eating steak cooked so rare that if taken to a good vet, it should take a day or two in the ICU for the cow to recover.

Too many people eat overcooked meat. My sister in law insists on eating extra well done meat. What a waste!. I keep threatening to take a boerewors shaped stick of charcoal, shove it in a roll with All Gold tomato sauce, and see if she can taste the difference.


Anonymous said...

Oh, she'll know the difference. Raw meat has a very distinct taste - unpalatable to some and the only way it should taste to others. I don't particularly do almost-alive cow and can immediately taste if there's any blood on my plate. To me it's a bit gross but it's more about the taste than the deadness of the animal. I prefer well done with a bit of charring on the side.

Anonymous said...

Oi! Well done meat is GREAT. Much more civilized than your half cooked meat too :P

"Variety is the spice of life" they say, and you can be thankful that not everyone likes your meat, else you wouldn't have left overs left ;)