The Flea and I had a rational discussion last night. Which is unusual. What normally passes for rational in our house would pass for insanity in anybody else's home.
She said I regarded the TV remote as an extension of my penis.
"What?" I sat up in my chair, changing channels with my penis extender.
"You think the remote is connected to your dick"
"Absolute crap! The remote is connected to the finger bone, the finger bone's connected to the wrist-bone, the wrist-bones connected to the ...",I sang back at her.
"It is," she argued.
This made me think. Who is the one in the room with his hand on the remote. Who hops from one channel to the next, controlling what the family watches?
So, is this a male ego thing? Controlling and dominating the family, with the remote standing in as a physical extension of my reproductive organs?
No. It is a self defense mechanism: If I did not have the damn remote, I would be watching 'Desperate Housewives', 'Sewende Laan' and God knows what else when I could be hopping from one channel to another watching the news, or sport, or GOd help me, the Fashion channel.
The Flea said she is buying a Dual view decoder at the end of the month. I can then play with myself as much as I like, while she watches what she wants to.
I wonder if I should feel insulted or pleased.
Funny how some of the most hardcore strife and arguing can trace its roots to a little plastic device with rubbery buttons.
that being said, anyone who messes with my remote gets a smack in the teeth.
It's definitely a Male thing. And if my hubby didn't hog the remote he would, indeed, end up watching Desperate Housewives and the like. It's the whole mars/venus thing...
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